How Trinny Woodall has her digital marketing sorted | Cosmic Skip to main content

How Trinny Woodall has her digital marketing sorted

Trinny WoodallRecently I was made aware that Trinny Woodall (of Trinny & Susannah fame) is lighting up Facebook Live with her brilliantly honest videos about fashion and beauty. It seems that Trinny has got her digital marketing strategy down to a tee and so I wanted to explore how she’d done it. After all, she’s been out of the UK limelight for quite a while and yet seems to be back with full force!

At Cosmic, we have been talking for a while now about the digital marketing trends for 2017 and how Facebook Live will be one of the big ones. Facebook in itself has become a place where businesses and brands are struggling, and yet Facebook Live is a glimmer of hope in all of that. More and more brands are plucking up the confidence to put themselves in front of the camera to try to build their following. Trinny has made this work brilliantly for her.

From starting out with quick 15-second videos 6 months ago, she has developed her own personal style, which epitomises what she is saying perfectly. She now talks for up to half an hour, live on Facebook, about a certain shop, a certain make up routine or how she does her hair. For many people this may not be interesting content, but she has figured out her audience and is focusing entirely on them.

Another trend for 2017, which we have written and spoken about, is personalisation. Trinny is personalising all of her Facebook Live videos to her chosen audience. One that has admittedly, been under-targeted until now. Most fashion and beauty writers focus on young women, but there are not many who speak to 40,50 and 60 year olds who are still very fashion conscious and interested in the best beauty brands for them.

This is a 52-year old, fashionable woman, who is not afraid of being brutally honest about how we look in the morning. She is putting her naked face in front of a live camera and showing us, in a few easy steps, how we can look better! She has filled a gap in the market, which we weren’t even aware that was there. With no apology or explanation, she is talking to us about what we want to hear, in a way that we find engaging and informative.

Honesty is so very important when speaking to your audience, and to make yourself this relatable is rare, but Trinny does it in such a refreshing manner. She also engages with her audience by answering their questions, or giving support when they need it. This is so important when building up advocates. To be listened to, and advised and supported in such a way that she does is so valuable to those receiving the support.

She is also ticking the box of brand consistency across her channels. She is sending Instagram followers over to Facebook. By doing an Instagram minute long introduction she tells you to find out the results over on her Facebook page. She is really starting to build up her following, by doing exactly what she needs to do – speaking to us as people, telling us what we want to hear.

So what can we learn from how Trinny Woodall approaches her digital marketing?

  1. Figure out who your audience is, and what they want to hear
  2. Speak to them in a relatable manner, with an honest approach
  3. Work out the best digital platform to reach them on
  4. Engage with them – answer their questions
  5. Post rich content regularly
  6. Show your personality!
  7. Be human and authentic
  8. Video, video, video!

It is not surprising that Trinny’s audience is growing on a daily basis – yes it helps that she is featured regularly on This Morning, but even if you are a tiny business – combine your solid message with a good, warm personality then you can make it work for you too.

If you need any support with your digital marketing Strategy then please don’t hesitate to get in touch.