Free dummy content for your WordPress dev site | Cosmic Skip to main content

Free dummy content for your WordPress dev site

WordPressSetting up a website is never an easy task, especially if it's your first site.

When building a website in WordPress (the .org or .com version), you can pick from a range of free and paid premade templates, or alternatively upload your own bespoke design that either yourself or a designer has made.

These designs can bring some real life to your website, but it's often hard to imagine what you website will look like when finished as there is no content on the website. This can lead to empty pages and holes in the website which don't look like the theme preview that you previously saw and loved.

Content can take a long time to create, so we have created a file which you can import into your WordPress website to filly it with dummy pages, blog posts, categories, tags, images and a menu. While this content isn't real, it will help you to identify what the website will look like when it has your own content in it.

To import this dummy content to your WordPress website, please follow these steps:

  1. Download this file (click on the link and choose the Download option from the top right).
  2. Login to your WordPress website and go to 'Tools' from your Dashboard.
  3. Select 'Import'.
  4. Click "Install Now" under the WordPress option. Note that if you have imported WordPress content before, you will not need to do this.
  5. Upload the .xml file and choose to import all of the content.

This can be a useful tool for both webmasters and developers alike - we hope you like it, and if you do be sure to send us a tweet to @Cosmic_UK!

Download file