Free 2017 blog content planner for UK businesses | Cosmic Skip to main content

Free 2017 blog content planner for UK businesses

Free 2017 blog content planner for UK businessesIt's incredibly important to make sure that you have a steady stream of content being added to your website.

Search engines like Google love new content such as blogs and news articles, so it's a good idea to create a content planner for yourself. Writing and publishing original content is by no means an easy task - it requires preparation, research, planning and the actual writing of the piece. Not only this, but you must plan a rigid schedule in order to please both the search engines and your clientele.

It's often difficult to think of interesting topics to write and when to publish them - to combat this, it's a good idea to create a plan well in advance so you already have set topics to cover which will in turn speed up the process, therefore making your work more efficient.

Current events and popular culture are always popular amongst readers - if you are a local business it is good to capitalise on events that are happening in the local area. For example, if you are based in Exeter, good things to cover would be local food festivals, music events, sports games and local news that are likely to bring people to the area. Let's say that a cider festival is being hosted in Exeter city centre in July and you are a bed and breakfast - you could schedule in a blog post about the types of things tourists can do in Exeter when they are not at the festival, and after the festival a blog post could be written about your five favourite ciders you enjoyed whilst there. This type of content is great for search engines and the user alike - the content is not solely about selling your service and offers extra added value for anyone coming to the area. They are then likely to be intrigued by your content and may even book a short stay with you!

As a helping hand, Cosmic have developed a blog content planner for 2017 which you can download for free! The calendar is prefilled with national events and important dates which you can use for inspiration, as well as adding your own in that are happening in your locale.

Download free 2017 blog content planner

If the above link doesn't work, please click here to download directly from Dropbox.