Digital support, fun gadgets and free cake for Axminster job hunters | Cosmic Skip to main content

Digital support, fun gadgets and free cake for Axminster job hunters

GadgetsFinding a job is already stressful work, before you even consider the process of looking and applying for work online. Thankfully, help is at hand for who finds the pressures of technology too much to take. Axminster Job Club and Cosmic are joining forces on June 29th under the Positive People programme to offer digital support to those looking for work, from learning how to style a CV right down to turning a computer on for the first time, and if you just need a break from work we'll have a whole host of fun and interesting gadgets with us you can play with and experience in the presence of our experts.

The Positive People programme is a project that is aiming to help individuals who are out of work build their skills and confidence and support them on their journey into employment over the next 3 years. The scope of the project includes people with disabilities, mental health issues, ex-offenders, homeless people and people over 50. It is funded by the Big Lottery Fund and the EU Social Fund and is being run by a partnership of 7 different organisations in Devon.

Axminster Job Club meets every Thursday morning from 9am at Pippins on Lyme Road, EX13 5AZ and is staffed by helpful volunteers who have experience of helping with writing CVs, letters, and filling in application forms, both paper and online. The trainers at Cosmic will be present to provide advice and assist with any technological queries – if you have your own equipment that you’re struggling with, bring it along and the Cosmic team will be able to help.

Our gadgets include virtual reality headsets to take yourself away from reality and immerse yourself completely in a fantasy world, voice recognition tools which can sing Happy Birthday to you, and health monitoring wristbands which can turn exercise into a game. And for those who want to avoid the IT bits entirely, we'll even have free cake!

For more information please contact Rob or Emma from Cosmic on 0845 094 6108 or e-mail the Axminster Job Club on