Cosmic's most popular blogs of 2016 | Cosmic Skip to main content

Cosmic's most popular blogs of 2016

Diary2016 has been another great year for Cosmic - we've been able to help many businesses, charities and individuals across the South West and beyond with technology and support, and one of the ways in which we do this is with our blogs.

Just as we did in 2015, here are our most popular blogs published in 2016.

  1. Capturing timelapse video on your Android smartphone
    Last week we showed you how to capture time-lapse video on your iPhone and iOS devices. This week we will be showing you several apps that will allow you to do the same on your Android smartphone. Depending on which Android smartphone you have, you may find that it already has a time-lapse feature built into the camera up, such as on the Samsung Galaxy S6 or LG G4, but what I will be doing in this blog, is demonstrating a number of free apps that will work universally across Android smartphones.

  2. Cosmic discusses the importance of images with Pixabay CEO Simon Steinberger
    In years gone by, many websites would have included a lot of text-based information and a relatively low amount of images. There are numerous reasons and theories for this, but the main ideology behind those choices were that users generally wanted to read more, and our dial-up connections simply took too long to load in images of an acceptable quality.

  3. Social media trends for 2016

    The beginning of a New Year always sees thousands of marketing experts giving their predictions on the year ahead, and so we have done our research with regards to Social Media for your business. What can you expect this coming year from the top platforms? Here’s our round up of what we believe to be 5 of the top trends for 2016.

  4. Cosmic talks with Nominet about UK domain names

    Cosmic's Web Services Assistant Jamie Dąbrowiecki recently spoke with Nominet's Senior Product Marketing Manager Neil Dagger about the importance of great domain names for your United Kingdom based business or organisation.

  5. Top 10 gadgets for your Christmas list

    Christmas is fast approaching, and if you haven't done so already, it is probably time to start your Christmas shopping! For those on the lookout for new tech, we have pulled together a blog of 10 new and upcoming gadgets that you may want to add to your Christmas list. Keep an eye out for our next Christmas blog in December on the best stocking filler gadgets for between £10-£40!

  6. The pros and cons of e-mail forwarding

    When running a business, there are two common ways of managing and receiving e-mails - mail accounts and mail forwarding. Actual e-mail accounts enable you to send and receive your e-mails from a mail client such as Outlook, your phone or even a web browser based client via webmail. A popular alternative to this is e-mail forwarding - forwarding allows you to redirect incoming e-mails from one email address to another email address. When an e-mail is forwarded to a desired e-mail address, the mail servers would automatically redirect - or forward - the incoming e-mail to your chosen address.

  7. Facebook or YouTube: Which is better for uploading video?

    There is an ongoing battle between Facebook and YouTube over where you should be uploading video. When it comes to making the decision of where you should be hosting them, there are several factors to consider.

  8. Top 10 digital horse riding resources

    In last week’s blog I provided some insights into my comparisons of leadership and horse-riding, and on reflection realised I didn’t include anything digital at all, so time to put that right with a ‘part 2’ on horse-riding with a very digital flavour. Listed below are my top 10 digital things which riders will love.

  9. The 7 best stock image providers for your website and social media profiles

    Getting images for your website can always be difficult, especially if you don't have the means to take your own bespoke photos. Thankfully, there are many great stock photography websites you can use. In fact, Cosmic uses lots of stock imagery for our blog posts (just like this one) and you can too.

  10. 10 reasons why horse-riding is like leadership
    Recently I gave the keynote speech at a Social Enterprise conference in Manchester which focussed on leadership, particularly leadership which supports organisations to achieve social impact successfully. Preparing for this speech I was reflecting on the comparisons I can personally draw between learning to be good at leadership and learning to be a good horse-rider. So I thought I’d put together this list to see who agrees.

What was your favourite Cosmic blog of 2016? Let us know!