Case study - North Devon Diversity Festival | Cosmic Skip to main content

Case study - North Devon Diversity Festival

ESF and Lottery logoThe sun most definitely had his hat on at the North Devon Diversity Festival, and Positive People were there to celebrate, demonstrate our gadgets and generally put the word out about the great work we do. The festival takes a positive stance to affirm and celebrate the diverse groups and cultures in North Devon. It is also a great day out for the family with music, displays, activities, food and something fun for everyone.

There is also a serious side to the event with a myriad of organisations offering support, help and advice. Positive People were prominent among them and our gadget show certainly generated a good deal of interest. Our VR Rollercoaster was a big hit with the kids. Rather bizarrely so too were the Bluetooth laser and roll-up rubber keyboards! Maybe children these days have more typing to do?

We also had on display the Roli Noise music app; not just a fun music creation tool but a professional integrated, fully functioned sequencing tool. Roli was used to create the sound track to the Netflix original sci-fi drama Stranger Things, and people are often go from seeing it as a casual diversion to something a lot more serious and impressive when you impart this knowledge on them! Also on show were photographic gadgets such as GoPros and add-on lenses that give greater creative range to your mobile phone camera.

Our younger audience are less anxious and more inquisitive about digital, as they have grown up with it, so exciting and inspiring them helps attract parents and our older target group who are often confused and lacking in confidence when it comes to all things digital. The strategy clearly works as we were able to sign up five new participants on the spot.

The festival provided a great networking opportunity and we created links with a number of organisations with mutual interests or complimentary services to offer. Digital Inclusion was only part of the story along with mental wellbeing, health, financial wellbeing and other support groups. Apart from being a great way to showcase what we do and what we are about, we were also able to access the people we are here to help.

All-in-all a perfect summer’s day and a great result for Positive People.