Case study - Kevin's next steps | Cosmic Skip to main content

ESF and Lottery logoAt 17 Kevin was involved in a serious motorcycle accident when a car came the wrong way down a 1-way street and drove straight into Kevin whilst he was on his motorbike.

He ended up in the RD&E, in intensive care, with multiple, very serious injuries. For 2 weeks Kevin was in a coma and didn’t know where he was or what was going on. He was in hospital for a total of 7 months as a permanent inpatient.

Ongoing rehabilitation took place throughout the 7 months and beyond. With no idea of long term prognosis and through multiple operations Kevin continued to astound professionals with his motivation and determination to win his battle. In the time that followed Kevin has had 7 further operations including bone grafts, skin grafts and fusions.


During all this time Kevin had multiple jobs as a HGV 1 Driver, in an Aerospace Factory and in the Paper Mill as a Pulper man. Kevin was made redundant and returned to his first job where he trained as a Foundry Caster.

At the age of 48 Kevin began to suffer with more problems with his left leg, including rheumatism and arthritis, which left him unable to walk or work – Kevin saw many specialists and made the decision, alone, to have his leg amputated. Kevin’s surgeon agreed that this was the best decision for him.

This changed Kevin’s life and he, again, did not know what the future held. He was unable to continue with his job. The operation took place in 2010 when Kevin was 50. Determined, as always, Kevin was walking within 8 weeks using a prosthetic and started to get involved in wheelchair sports; Badminton, Basketball and even learnt to Ski. Kevin skied down Mont-Blanc in 2015. Kevin has, self-admittedly, calmed down a bit and decided to take up bowls. He has been very successful in this and plays for Disability Bowls England and in 2018 was selected to play for England in the Home Nations which they won!

Kevin has battled mental health and a wealth of personal problems on top of his physical health.

Throughout this Kevin has understood the importance of support from a variety of sources but it is very clear that there is a huge gap in the support available. This is support, as a mentor, from people who have been there and succeeded. Not just with limb amputations but with any disability, acquired or from birth.

Since having his prosthetic fitted Kevin has supported multiple individuals through making the decision to have a limb amputated and acted as a mentor, through counselling services, and shown them what life with a prosthetic can be like.

Kevin would like to take this a step further and motivate more people, using his own experiences and understanding, to support others to succeed. Regardless of age, ability or situation Kevin wants to open the eyes of others to realise their potential and achieve their goals through motivation, daily life skills, sports and more. Kevin will cater his motivational support to the needs and personality of the individual.

Kevin is now being supported by Positive People to turn this goal into a reality, alongside learning some new digital skills and training to become a bowls coach to inspire the next generation of bowlers. Kevin is starting a new chapter of his ongoing journey and Positive People are honoured to be a part of this and help Kevin to achieve yet another incredible feat.

Watch this space!

Below is Kevin’s recipe for success







Positive Mindset
