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Case study – Facebook and searching for work

ESF and Lottery logoThe use of Social Media has exploded over the last few years and most people see it as being a way to communicate with friends and family. However, there is so much more!

If you are searching for work online you are probably logging into job search engines like Indeed, CV Library, Monster and many others. However, there is a hidden job search market that many people do not know about on Facebook.


Facebook has many areas which people do not use. There are pages for local buy and sell sites, local business advertising and finally for those of you looking for work there are job pages for different areas of the country (specific ones in towns and pages that include a larger area). So:

How do can you find these hidden jobs sites? Will they be any good? Can you get a job by using them?

Here’s a short guide on the best way to access the hidden job market.

  1. Firstly, you need to use the search bar at the top of the news feed page with the Facebook logo next to it.
  2. Then type in the word jobs and the area you are trying to search about. This should start bringing up pages that might interest you. For instance, if you live in Plymouth you would type in ‘Jobs in Plymouth’. This brought up a list of pages such as ‘jobs in Plymouth, jobs in Plymouth and surrounding areas, Plymouth jobs, Plymouth new jobs, Plymouth UK jobs now, Plymouth work offers and business opportunities, job in Plymouth UK, Plymouth jobs fair’.
  3. You can then choose one of the pages, which will bring up the page. You will then need to click on the button which asks to join the page. Once you have requested you will have to wait for the page organiser to agree the request which is generally very quick.
  4. Once you are on the page you will receive a notification. This will then allow you to view the page and start looking for work.
  5. The jobs tend to be the type of jobs that would have previously been word of mouth and in the window of the shop or offices. Sometimes larger companies use it to advertise their jobs and so do recruitment agencies but depending on the page you can usually find local jobs advertised.

If you feel overwhelmed with searching for working in this digital age and find out more about the Positive People project, please visit our website at and go the ‘Contact Us’ section.

Positive People offers a lifeline to people who are not in work to help build confidence, skills and give a sense of hope for the future. Positive People is jointly funded by the Big Lottery fund and the European Social Fund.