6 questions for new team member Iñigo Garcia | Cosmic Skip to main content

6 questions for new team member Iñigo Garcia

Iñigo has joined Cosmic for five months on an international internship.

Iñigo Garcia1. What would you like to experience working at Cosmic?

I am from Bilbao in Spain and I have come to England to gain work experience and to improve my English in the process.

At Cosmic I would like to learn about the work processes and styles that are used in a country different from my own. I would also like to obtain new marketing skills and, of course, meet and get to know each of the members of Cosmic.

2. Tell us something about your studies and work experience.

I am a graduate in Computer Engineering from the University of Deusto, where I have done a program in Big Data & Business Intelligence and I just finished a master's degree in Industrial Organization in July 2017.

During the last two and a half years I have been working part-time at Deustotech Mobility whilst I was studying. This company belongs to Deusto University and is dedicated to the research and development of Intelligent Transport Systems.

In this two years, I have been participated in two projects, mainly as a research intern, whose names are EDELIVERTIC and ADIMENPORTUA.

The EDELIVERTIC project consisted in the development of a framework of tools and services to improve the distribution of goods in transactions carried out through e-Commerce platforms. For this project I designed and developed a database and a website that, using an algorithm, could predict for you the best option to transport your package. Please take a look at the website to learn more: EDELIVERTIC.

Also in this project I developed an e-Commerce module that, using this algorithm, could predict the best option to send products on behalf of different e-Commerce shops. This solution could then be embedded into their own e-commerce websites.

The second project in which I participated and that is now in use is ADIMENPORTUA. The aim of this project was the design and development of a scorecard that improves the security management of events and movements of boats, vehicles, and stock within the Port of Algeciras. The final objective of my part of the project was to present a series of indicators to the agents responsible for the port security of the optimisation and efficiency of the processes and activities in the management of the port.

To do this work I had to design and develop a database, perform data processing and data cleansing, apply statistical techniques to the clean data, obtain KPIs through this information and finally design and develop a dashboard to monitor the progress.

3. What do you like most about Cosmic, as a company?

I consider that Cosmic is a perfect place for me to improve my new skills since it has a fantastic combination between being a digital and a social company. I think technology is growing very fast and adapting to this growth is essential for people and companies. For that, Cosmic has an important role in society today and that strikes me being exciting and interesting.

4. What is the most interesting thing about you or that you have done?

One of the most exciting experiences in my life was when I ran in front of several bulls during the festival of my town. You probably know about the festival San Fermin, which is celebrated in Pamplona; the bull run that I did was similar to this but in a different part of Spain.

5. Are you Apple, Android or something else?

I have had both of them and I can say that I choose Android.The iPhone is probably easier to use but Android allows you to adapt your mobile phone as you want, so I definitely choose Android.

6. What are your hobbies or interests?

I love to practice different kinds of sports such as football, tennis or going to gym. Unfortunately nowadays I don't practice the majority of them because I have a problem in my knee. In addition, I also like to get to know new countries, to experience their cultures and to learn new languages.