6 questions for new team member Chloe Penfold | Cosmic Skip to main content

6 questions for new team member Chloe Penfold

Chloe PenfoldChloe is the newest member of the Cosmic team, so we asked her six questions about herself so you can get to know our newest recruit a bit better!

1. What do you do here at Cosmic?

I am a Digital Training Assistant as part of the Positive People project in Somerset.

2. What’s your favourite part about the job, and what are you most excited about doing?

In this role I am entering in to a whole new world, as my previous work has been in digital marketing. I’m excited to be learning every day and gaining new skills that will not only benefit me, but also the wider community involved in the project. The impact that this project is going to have on others is the most exciting part for me, we can hopefully make a huge difference to lots of people’s lives.

3. What do you like most about Cosmic?

I love Cosmic’s drive for digital inclusion. I feel very lucky to have grown up through the digital revolution, and have got to know technology very naturally. Others haven’t been as lucky, so it’s important that teams like Cosmic are working so hard to ensure those people don’t feel left behind.

4. What is the most interesting thing about you or that you have done?

I’ve been a part of amateur dramatics throughout my whole life. When I was at school, I took part in pantomimes (oh yes I did!) and am now part of a village players group who put on annual productions. Our last show was an evening celebrating the life and work of Victoria Wood, I had the honour of playing Dinnerladies character Twinkle.

5. Are you Apple or Android?

Definitely Apple. I find the iOS interface much more aesthetically pleasing and easy to navigate. I like to be able to pick up a device and know where everything I need is so I find the variances in Android interfaces frustrating when using different models of phone or tablet.

6. What are your hobbies or interests?

I love film and television so enjoy finding new shows to watch and make sure I get to the cinema whenever I can. When I’m feeling a bit more active you’ll find me tap dancing which is hobby I picked up again after a Players production of Stepping Out, a play about a novice tap dancing class.