5 Quick Tips for Taking Better Photos on Your Phone | Cosmic Skip to main content

5 Quick Tips for Taking Better Photos on Your Phone

We’ve already done a post on 7 Tips on Filming Video on your Smartphone, but what if you just want to take really good photos for your business? And what if you don’t have a specific camera?

Well, we’ve got good news…

Most mobile phones these days have excellent built-in cameras, which can take great quality photos. Did you know that even some of the photos in fashion magazines have actually been taken by a smartphone? It just goes to show that you don’t necessarily need a high-end digital camera to take high-quality photographs.

This post is all about taking the actual photograph, rather than taking a photo and then looking at the editing side of things. As a rule, we say that it is always better to capture the best shot possible in the moment, rather than try to ‘fix’ it later through editing and filters.

Here are 5 simple steps to capture better photos.

1. Think before you shoot.

This is one of the most important rules in photography. Take your time to frame your shot. Move around your subject, try low and high angles, rearrange objects, and make use of your environment to frame your shots. This can make even a dull subject look interesting.

2. Apply the rule of thirds.

People tend to find that pictures are more appealing when they adhere to the rule of thirds. Use the camera’s gridlines to help you, and you’ll soon be able to visualise thirds without this aide. Try to line up your subjects or horizon on one of the thirds. This helps to balance the composition of the photo.

3. Use leading lines.

Use natural lines in the environment to lead the eye into the centre of your photo. These create depth and interest. Unless you are creating an abstract shot, avoid lines that go off the edge of your photos as these pull your eyes away and can be distracting.

4. Light up your subject.

Natural light creates the most flattering images, but if the light is too low, it can cause your image to blur. If you must shoot in low light, place your phone on a stable surface and set up the timer to avoid camera shake. Light up your subject from the side, rather than head on and avoid the flash if possible, as this can over-expose subjects and create unwanted shadows.

5. Play with shadows and silhouettes.

Shadows can greatly enhance a photo. The sun creates the longest shadows when it is at its lowest. This is called the ‘golden hour’ and occurs twice a day around dawn and dusk. Having your subject stand in front of your light source and shooting towards it can create interesting silhouettes.

If you want to know more about photography for your business, we have some workshop events coming up where you can develop your skills further.

Click here to go to our workshops.